Harvard University, November 2023

Joseph Lucia Memorial Lecture, University of Villanova, November 2023

Canadian Economics Association Annual Meeting, May 2023

Harvard University, November 2022

Florence School of Banking and Finance, Women in Finance Series, June 2021

SUERF, Joint Vienna Institute, and the Central Bank of Austria's Gender, Money and Finance Dialogue, May 2021

International Conference, Fondazione Centesimus Annus Pro Pontefice, Vatican City, Rome, October 2020

Commonwealth Central Bank Governors Meeting, Washington D.C., October 2019

With Burkhard Balz and Diana Crossan at the Singapore Fintech Festival

With Russia’s Deputy Finance Minister Sergey Storchak, and Anna Zelentsova at the Spring Meeting of the World Bank, 2019.

2019 OECD-CVM Symposium on Financial Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

US 2050 Spring Conference, Washington, D.C., March 2019

Singapore FinTech Festival, 2018

2018 International Federation of Finance Museums Annual Meeting, Brussels, Belgium

2018 OECD-Russia Symposium on Financial Literacy, Moscow, Russia

52nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Economic Association, Montréal, Québec, Canada, June 2018

2017 International Federation of Finance Museums Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria

2016 International Federation of Finance Museums Annual Meeting, Mexico City, Mexico

Dartmouth College Nelson A. Rockefeller Center Macrofinancial Symposium, Hanover, NH, September 2016

OECD Global Symposium on Financial Resilience throughout Life, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 2016


Personal Finance Education in the Classroom
HEFWA Executive Leadership Forum on Financial Wellness | July 2024

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Increasing the effectiveness of financial education: Evidence from research
Harvard University | November 2023

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The Importance of Financial Literacy: Opening a New Field
Joseph Lucia Memorial Lecture | University of Villanova | November 2023

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Financial Literacy and Personal Finance: An Overview
State of the Art Lecture, Canadian Economics Association Annual Meeting | Winnipeg, Manitoba | May 2023

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Money and the Young: Why We Need Financial Education in School
EFAMA and BETTER FINANCE | Investor Education in times of High Inflation, Financial Repression, and Market Volatility | March 2023

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The Power of Financial Literacy: Global Evidence
Central Bank of Cyprus | Financial Literacy and Education in Cyprus: Challenges, Lessons from Other Countries and the Way Forward | March 2023

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Promoting evidence-based financial education programs
OECD/CVM Centre 2022 Annual Meeting | Financial literacy to meet LAC's future challenges | Rio de Janeiro | December 2022

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Financial Literacy and Wellbeing: Evidence from Six Years of Data
The Centre for Research on Economic Relations (CER) | Mid Sweden University | December 2022

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How to use research for advocacy
FEII22 | Denver, CO | December 2022

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The Importance of Financial Education
Keynote presentation. Financial Technology, Financial Inclusion and Competition Policy: Legal and Economic Approaches | University of Torino, Collegio Carlo Alberto, and the Bank of Italy | Turin, Italy | December 2022

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The P-Fin Index: What We Can Learn from Six Years of Data on Financial Literacy and Personal Finance
Keynote presentation. 3rd CEAR-RSI Household Finance Workshop | Montreal, Canada | November 2022

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Increasing the Effectiveness of Financial Education: Evidence from Research
Harvard University | November 2022

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Financial Literacy and the Gender Gap
Commonwealth FinTech Event | International Monetary Fund | October 2022

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On the Costs of Financial Illiteracy and How to Take Care of Your Personal Finances
The Harvard Undergraduate Economics Association (HUEA) Speaker Series | December 2021

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Coping with New (And Old) Vulnerabilities in the Post-pandemic World
G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) High-Level Symposium | Rome, Italy | October 2021

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Gender Differences in Financial Literacy
Florence School of Banking and Finance | Women in Finance Series | June 2021

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Financial Well-Being and Literacy in the Midst of a Pandemic
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 2021 Conference | June 2021

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Women’s Financial Wellbeing and Literacy
SUERF, Joint Vienna Institute, and the Central Bank of Austria's Gender, Money and Finance Dialogue | May 2021

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Financial Fragility During the COVID-19 Pandemic
National Association of State Treasurers (NAST) | April 2021

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Financial Fragility During the COVID-19 Pandemic
American Economic Association Annual Meeting | January 2021

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The P-Fin Index: Four Years of Data to Understand Personal Finance in America 
Behavioral Sciences and Investor Education Conference | December 2020

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Financial Fragility and Resilience in Europe and the US amid COVID-19
The Sim Kee Boon Institute and GFLEC Conference: "COVID-19, Financial Fragility & Resilience" | December 2020

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The Importance of Financial Literacy: Evidence and Recommendations
EFAMA E-Seminar: Investor Education Initiatives | November 2020

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The P-Fin Index: Four Years of Data to Understand Personal Finance in America
CPA Canada’s Financial Literacy Virtual World Tour | November 2020

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Financial Literacy and Financial Fragility: Evidence to Understand the COVID-19 Crisis 
University of Innsbruck | Presentation | November 2020

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The Milestones of the Integral Ecology for a Human Economy 
International Conference Fondazione Centesimus Annus Pro Pontefice | Vatican City, Rome | Presentation | October 2020

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Financial Education Affects Financial Knowledge and Downstream Behaviors 
OECD | Webinar | May 2020

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The Stability and Predictive Power of Financial Literacy: Evidence from Longitudinal Data
CIPHER 2020 | Washington D.C. | February 2020

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Financial Literacy as a Solution to Rising Household Debt
Commonwealth Central Bank Governors Meeting | Washington D.C. | October 2019

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Aiming High: The Power of Financial Education
OECD-CVM Symposium on Financial Education | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | October 2019

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What Do We Know About Financial Fragility and Financial Literacy in the U.S. and How it Undermines Retirement Security?
The State of Retirement | Georgetown Center for Retirement Initiatives | September 2019

Listen to the Podcast

Financial Fragility in America
The 16th Overview Course of Financial Sector Issues | World Bank | Washington, D.C. | June 2019

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Financial Fragility in America
Peter G. Peterson Foundation and Ford Foundation's US 2050 Spring Conference | Washington, D.C. | March 2019

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Making the World a Better Place: Innovations in Financial Inclusion, Literacy, and Development
2019 American Finance Association Annual Meeting | Atlanta, Georgia | January 2019

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Retirement Savings for All – the Importance of Financial Literacy and Fintech Solutions, with Diana Crossan, Harry Smorenberg, and Gautam Bhardwaj (Moderated by Paolo Sironi)
Singapore FinTech Festival | Singapore | November 2018

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Millennial Financial Literacy and Fin-Tech Use
Keynote Address | 6th Annual Meeting of the International Federation of Financial Museums (IFFM) | Brussels, Belgium | November 2018

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Financial Education: Young People in the Digital Age
OECD-Russia Symposium on Financial Literacy | Moscow, Russia | October 2018

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Gender Differences in Financial Literacy: Evidence and Implications
Keynote Address | Canadian Women Economists Committee, 52nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Economic Association | Montréal, Québec, Canada | June 2018

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Financial Literacy Skills for the 21st Century: Evidence from Pisa
Rise Webinar Series at American Institutes of Research | May 2018

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2018 Survey of the States Panel Discussion
2018 Survey of the States Release | Washington, DC, US | February 2018

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A New Personal Finance Index: Evidence and Implications
OECD-CVM Regional Seminar on Financial Education | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | December 2017

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Financial Literacy and Financial Education Can Change Lives
Finansinspektionen Seminar | Stockholm, Sweden | November 2017

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Financial Literacy and Long-Term Financial Security
House of Finance Open Seminar and Skandia Award Ceremony | Stockholm, Sweden | November 2017

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Financial Literacy Around the World and Among the Youth
International Federation of Finance Museums 5th Annual Meeting | Vienna, Austria | October 2017

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The Gender Gap in Financial Literacy
International Federation of Finance Museums 5th Annual Meeting | Vienna, Austria | October 2017

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Financial Literacy: A Vision for the Future
4th National Financial Education Week | São Paulo, Brazil | May 2017

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Americans’ Financial Capability
Behavioural Sciences and Investor Education Conference | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | December 2016

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Entrepreneurship Among Baby Boomers: Recent Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study, with Dimitris Christelis, and Carlo de Bassa Scheresberg
GFLEC Entrepreneurship among Baby Boomers Conference | Washington, D.C., USA | November 2016

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Financial Literacy Around the World: Evidence, Theory, and Implications
University of Cambridge Academic Seminar | Cambridge, England | September 2016

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Gender Differences in Financial Literacy Around the World
International Federation of Finance Museums Annual Meeting 2016 | Mexico City, Mexico | September 2016

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Household Financial Fragility: Evidence and Implications
Dartmouth College Nelson A. Rockefeller Center Macrofinancial Symposium | Hanover, NH, USA | September 2016
Macrofinancial Symposium: Links between Financial Markets and the American Economy

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The Financial Literacy Manifesto
International Federation of Finance Museums Annual Meeting 2016 | Mexico City, Mexico | September 2016

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Financial Literacy: A Vision for the Future
Keynote Address | Mexican Pension Funds Association National Convention | Mexico City, Mexico | August 2016

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Household Financial Fragility: Evidence and Implications
Keynote Address | Netherlands - OECD Global Symposium on Financial Resilience throughout Life | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | April 2016
Netherlands – OECD Global Symposium on Financial Resilience throughout Life

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Employees’ Financial Wellness: New Strategies
Office of Personnel Management Research Summit | Washington, D.C., USA | March 2016

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Using a Life Cycle Model to Evaluate Financial Literacy Program Effectiveness, with Pierre-Carl Michaud, and Olivia S. Mitchell
Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) Annual Meeting | San Francisco, CA, USA | January 2016

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An Overview of the Pisa Financial Literacy Assessment
Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) Annual Meeting | San Francisco, CA, USA | January 2016

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Financial Literacy: A Global Perspective
Keynote Address | Securities Exchange Commission of Brazil Seminar on Child & Youth Financial Education | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | December 2015

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Financial Literacy: A Global Perspective
Insper International Seminar: Financial Education in Brazil and in the World | São Paulo, Brazil | December 2015
International Seminar: Financial Education in Brazil and in the World (in Portuguese)

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The Importance of Financial Literacy and the Effectiveness of Financial Education
Keynote Address | Securities Exchange Commission of Brazil Financial Education and Investor Behavior Conference | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | December 2015
Financial Education and Investor Behavior Conference

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Risk Literacy
Filene Research Institute: big. bright. minds. | Cambridge, MA, USA | December 2015

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Hispanic Personal Finances: Financial Literacy and Decision-Making Among College-Educated Hispanics
TIAA-CREF 2015 Fellows Symposium: Advancing Financial Literacy, Capability and Well-Being Among Hispanics | Austin, TX, USA | November 2015

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A Global Perspective on Financial Literacy
2015 IOSCO STP - Investor Education and Protection: The Major Challenges Ahead | Madrid, Spain | October 2015

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A Global Perspective on Financial Literacy
Global Financial Museum Expo | Beijing, China | October 2015

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Looking Forward – Researcher Views
Malaysia-OECD Global Symposium on Financial Well-Being | September 2015

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The Economic Importance of Financial Literacy
MIDE Economic and Financial Education Symposium | Mexico City, Mexico | September 2015

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Do NFL Players with Short-Lived Income Spikes Smooth Consumption?
The George Washington School of Business | April 2015

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Financial Literacy and the Cost of Ignorance
RAND Policy Forum | Santa Monica, CA | June 2015

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High School Students and Financial Literacy: Evidence from Pisa
Colston Warne Lecture | ACCI Annual Conference 2015 | Clearwater Beach, FL, USA | May 2015

Journal of Consumer Affairs, DOI: 10.1111/joca.12099 | Download PDF

The Economic Importance of Financial Literacy
Keynote Address | 2015 Personal Finance Seminar for Professionals | Annapolis, MD, USA | May 2015

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Harnessing Financial Education to Spur Entrepreneurship and Innovation
3rd OECD/GFLEC Global Policy Research Symposium to Advance Financial Literacy | Paris, France | May 2015

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How Can Financial Literacy Improve Retirement Planning?
Keynote Address | ICI Retirement Summit | Washington, D.C., USA | April 8, 2015

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Retirement Security
2015 White House Conference on Aging | Cleveland, OH, USA | April 2015
2015 White House Conference on Aging

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Financial Literacy and Economic Outcomes: Evidence and Policy Implications
Keynote Address | European Money Week | Brussels, Belgium | March 2015
European Money Week

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Towards a More Inclusive Society
Opening Remarks | OECD/GFLEC Global Policy Research Symposium to Advance Financial Literacy | Paris, France | November 2014

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Investor Protection and Education Going Forward – What Does It Take to Change Behavior?
International Organization of Securities Commissions | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | October 2014

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The Economic Importance of Financial Literacy
Insper Institute | São Paulo, Brazil | October 2014

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The Effectiveness of Financial Literacy Programs
The Future of Financial Wellness | Stanford Center on Longevity | Stanford, CA, USA | September 2014

Proceedings of the Future of Financial Wellness Conference.

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Gender, Confidence, and Financial Literacy, with Rob Alessie, Tabea Bucher-Koenen, and Maarten van Rooij
Invited Session | European Economic Association | Toulouse, France | August 2014

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The Economic Importance of Financial Literacy
Keynote Address | Rand Behavioral Finance Forum Annual Public Policy Roundtable | Washington, D.C., USA | May 2014

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Debt and Financial Fragility: Findings from the 2012 National Financial Capability Study
U.S. Department of the Treasury | Washington, D.C., USA | May 2014

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Pisa Financial Literacy Assessment
Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy | Washington, D.C., USA | April 2014

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Financial Literacy, Illuminated: It’s a Flat World
TEDx Foggy Bottom | Washington, D.C., USA | February 2014

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