
Stanford University

  1. Econ 43: Introduction to Financial Decision-Making (5 unit) | Learn more
  2. Econ 43: Introduction to Financial Decision-Making (1 unit)
  3. Econ 43: Introduction to Financial Decision-Making (summer edition) | Learn more

The George Washington University School of Business (graduate courses)

  1. Personal Finance for the Greater Good, Spring 2021 | Syllabus
  2. Personal Finance and Accounting, Spring and Summer 2019 | Learn more
  3. Macroeconomics for the Global Economy, Spring 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 | Syllabus
  4. Macroeconomics, Ph.d. course, Spring 2017
  5. Financial Decision-Making: Implications for the Consumer and the Professional, Spring 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, Spring 2021 | Syllabus
  6. Personal Financial Management, STAR EMBA, June 2013 and February 2014 | Syllabus | Presentation
  7. Reflections on the Federal Reserve and Its Place in Today’s Economy, guest lecturer in a course taught by former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, Spring 2012 | Syllabus

Dartmouth College (undergraduate courses)

  1. Macroeconomics (Economics 22)
  2. Topics in Money and Finance (Economics 46)
  3. The Economics of Financial Intermediaries and Markets (Economics 26)
  4. Principles of Economics (Economics 1)

University of Chicago (graduate courses)

  1. Macroeconomics for Public Policy, Fall 1999
  2. Macroeconomics, Chicago Booth School of Business, Winter and Spring 2004
  3. Money and Banking, Chicago Booth School of Business, Spring 2002
  4. Guest lecturer in the course: “Empirical General Equilibrium,” taught by James Heckman (Nobel Laureate), Spring 1999

Columbia University Graduate School of Business
(Executive MBA course)

  1. First part of Macroeconomics, Executive MBA

Princeton University (undergraduate course)

  1. Principles of Economics.


Teaching Prizes

Award for Best Teacher, University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, (Macroeconomics), 1999-2000.

First Prize for Excellence in Teaching, Princeton University, 1989-90.


Senior thesis advisor for Sanjay Natarajan (graduated with high honors), David Sadoff (graduated with high honors and won a thesis prize), John Welborn (graduated with high honors), Laura Ashley (graduated with high honors).

Ph.D. Committee, external member, for Marcel Das (Ph.D. student), CentER, Tilburg University, The Netherlands, 1997; Federico Biagi (Ph.D. student), University of British Columbia, Canada, 2000; Maurizio Mazzocco (Ph. D. student), University of Chicago, 2001; Tabea Bucher-Koenen (Ph.D. student), University of Mannheim, Germany, 2010.