Stanford University
- Econ 43: Introduction to Financial Decision-Making (5 unit) | Learn more
- Econ 43: Introduction to Financial Decision-Making (1 unit)
- Econ 43: Introduction to Financial Decision-Making (summer edition) | Learn more
The George Washington University School of Business (graduate courses)
- Personal Finance for the Greater Good, Spring 2021 | Syllabus
- Personal Finance and Accounting, Spring and Summer 2019 | Learn more
- Macroeconomics for the Global Economy, Spring 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 | Syllabus
- Macroeconomics, Ph.d. course, Spring 2017
- Financial Decision-Making: Implications for the Consumer and the Professional, Spring 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, Spring 2021 | Syllabus
- Personal Financial Management, STAR EMBA, June 2013 and February 2014 | Syllabus | Presentation
- Reflections on the Federal Reserve and Its Place in Today’s Economy, guest lecturer in a course taught by former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, Spring 2012 | Syllabus
Dartmouth College (undergraduate courses)
- Macroeconomics (Economics 22)
- Topics in Money and Finance (Economics 46)
- The Economics of Financial Intermediaries and Markets (Economics 26)
- Principles of Economics (Economics 1)
University of Chicago (graduate courses)
- Macroeconomics for Public Policy, Fall 1999
- Macroeconomics, Chicago Booth School of Business, Winter and Spring 2004
- Money and Banking, Chicago Booth School of Business, Spring 2002
- Guest lecturer in the course: “Empirical General Equilibrium,” taught by James Heckman (Nobel Laureate), Spring 1999
Columbia University Graduate School of Business
(Executive MBA course)
- First part of Macroeconomics, Executive MBA
Princeton University (undergraduate course)
- Principles of Economics.
Teaching Prizes
Award for Best Teacher, University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, (Macroeconomics), 1999-2000.
First Prize for Excellence in Teaching, Princeton University, 1989-90.
Senior thesis advisor for Sanjay Natarajan (graduated with high honors), David Sadoff (graduated with high honors and won a thesis prize), John Welborn (graduated with high honors), Laura Ashley (graduated with high honors).
Ph.D. Committee, external member, for Marcel Das (Ph.D. student), CentER, Tilburg University, The Netherlands, 1997; Federico Biagi (Ph.D. student), University of British Columbia, Canada, 2000; Maurizio Mazzocco (Ph. D. student), University of Chicago, 2001; Tabea Bucher-Koenen (Ph.D. student), University of Mannheim, Germany, 2010.